To Disclose or Not To Disclose: Hillary Clinton Dilemma

To Disclose or Not To Disclose: Hillary Clinton Dilemma


Darren Kavinoky on cover of Speaker magazine
Law Newz is covering one of the most pressing legal issues in the heated political climate today. Will Hillary Clinton–and more importantly–CAN Hillary Clinton disclose what she earned for paid speeches on Wall Street?

Written by Rachel Stockman, the article, “Sorry Bernie, Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Speeches May Remain Secret” delves into the issue. You can read my legal opinion on the “To Disclose or Not To Disclose” legal pickle Clinton faces in Stockman’s Law Newz article here.

Special thanks to Law Newz by Dan Abrams for including my opinion on this hot legal debate of nondisclosure agreements and how they are playing politics.

Darren Kavinoky
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